Neu Co Duyen Se Gap Lai The End

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I do think about you a lot.

Though not as much as I used to. Since I am afraid that I might fall for you all over again. Our relationship, I simply can't see its future anymore and I bet so do you. We simply never get what the other was thinking and feeling. We had different values and different views on relationships.

You said "why so serious?"
I thought "because I am serious."

I have had crushes on many people and I won't say I never had. But I won't say I love someone without thinking of being serious.

Well, only once. I thought I was serious until I got over that person so quickly I was shocked with myself.

Anyhow. I now have a love hate relationship with my tattoo. It was once a symbol for hope, now it's a symbol for the beginning of the corruption of my innocence. I knew it was coming, the end of our relationship, sooner than anyone could, but I had so much hope and confidence that the person I was getting to know was so much more than that. I thought time would answer everything and sincerity would make you open up to me.

The result was more predictable than checkers.

If it was me before, I would keep on fighting for you, and believing in you no matter what. But the me now?

I am tired. Because I have done many things wrong. And you also had. I probably hurt you (if I have that ability, which I don't really believe that I have) and you also did. We insulted each other. You crossed the lines. I am not proud of what I said but I can't go easy on you either.

I just couldn't stand see you again. So I left, for my career, my study and a future without you. I am pretty sure twenty years later if I see you again I will probably still have panic attacks so I hope you don't ever show up again and sleep well as a past I don't wanna talk about.

Goodbye. We won't ever see each other again.

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