Things To Ponder Things To Ponder

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o I do not know what we have until we lose and we do not know what we lack until it arrived.

o Never say goodbye if you still want to try, do not ever give up if you still feel able to continue, do not ever say again, if not love the other person's eyes can still keep your feet.

o There are things you never hear from the people you want to hear, but do not fake deaf while another said that with all my heart.

o You just take a minute to someone, an hour to like someone, a day to love someone, but you would be right to take life to someone you love.

o Always try to put yourself in the shoes of others. If you feel pain, it is also what they can do.

o Dream what you want to dream, to where you want to become what you want, because you only have one life and one chance to do whatever you want.

o A sad thing in life is to love someone without being answered, but the sad thing is more than you love someone and never find the courage to let others see your emotions.

o There are moments in life cause you to have it so much, that you just want to draw people away from your dreams and hug them tightly. Dream about your special someone.

o For one person all your love, does not mean they'll love you back.Do not expect love to be reciprocated. Give it time for it to grow in their hearts. But if not, satisfied that it grew in yours.

o People love to still hope although they've been disappointed, who still have faith even though they had been deceived.

o A bright future is always based on a forgotten past. You can not stand in life until they ignore the failure and pain.

o A sad thing in life is when you meet a person means to you, to finally realize that they are not to be born and you can just let them go .....

o I hope you have enough happiness to more sweet, enough trials to be more strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, enough confidence to have fun and have enough love to give for life.

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