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I and I grew up together, matured together, but in the little house was warm, we work together, eat together, chat together .. I love me so easy, dynamic and Having fun ... smiling eyes, her voice as I love passionately!

I grew up as the specters become graceful, I often look at her through the door truom, she looked at me and smile real big ecstasy of happiness.

Then through time, then quickly things have changed rapidly, inh Perhaps my sincere feeling for you is not enough ... I started lying father, mother lies with dating other people ... I totally fall to see what's going on up front, I much suffering and despair when they hear the silver side of me saying, the words of the evil words of those around the real target their behavior ...

I despise my poor, my father, no mother, no money ... not the things that she wants only her current lover for her to be happy, the new name for her shop many things ... It taught me a luxury I do, I do teach children who have intellectual stylish, it taught me a woman I do ...

I hate myself too, I hate this life ... why the government complained I always carry in our hearts wound can not be deleted. When they think of the silhouette hear my heart throbbing pain, I kept my tears flowed skeptical, skeptical flush ...

This time he did not know where my children have been living peacefully and happy again? In the strange sky I wish my children to be happy. Left me! Do not know mine again I still love AI BE again?

Yarn puppet hair short, long feared,

Not married, he injured Eons

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