Haikyuu Atsumu Harem You Are My Sunshine

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_ Here, the twin Miya will have the same golden eyes as it will add drama.

_ Sometimes I will return them to their original eye color, Atsumu has honey brown eyes, Osamu has gray eyes.

_ And I want to know which app to make Haikyuu Text or Haikyuu Lyric Prank??? I saw it on YouTube and I want to try it.


On the beautiful morning at Suna's house, Atsumu stirred for a while and then sat up from the bed and stretched.

"Hmm~... What time is it??"

Atsumu rubbed his eyes, absentmindedly looking at the clock, it was 5:30, it was still quite early.

(I don't know what time the Japanese usually wake up, so I use that time to prepare for school...)

"Rin... Riiiinn~"

Atsumu bent down to pinch the cheek of the person lying next to him, Suna who was hugging Atsumu's waist groaned in annoyance and continued to rub against Atsumu's body to sleep again.

"Ugh... Let me sleep~ Stumu~"

Atsumu chuckled, both hands trying to pull Suna's cheeks harder.

"Wake up!!! You promised to go on a date with me today~ Riinnn~~"

"My cheeks hurt~ .... It's true but... zzz... it's not time yet... zzz..."

The more Suna spoke, the tighter he hugged Atsumu, causing Atsumu to sigh and release his hand.

He looked out at the balcony, the cool breeze blowing through the open window, it was still dark, his hand gently placed on Suna's head made Suna breathe out relaxing and pleasant sounds. .

Suna lay for a while before opening his eyes, he vaguely looked around and then looked up, where Atsumu was looking up at the sky.

By this time, it was already dawn. The air still lingered with the dreaminess of a deep sleep. The sun had just reached its peak and rose from the mountains behind, the first rays of sunlight began to shine on the ground. At this point, the sun was still bright red - a vibrant, warm red. That orange-red light dyed the whole sky red, causing trees, houses, and roads to change color as well.

The moment he looked at Atsumu, Suna thought he was lost in a fairyland in the story that his parents told him when he was a child.

Miya Atsumu in his mind is an active, noisy, cheerful, warm, cute, cool person... but Miya Atsumu now looks so peaceful and gentle...

Like a miniature sun... Bright but also very warm....

Golden hair floating like waves in the wind, illuminated by the sun, looks like diamonds and precious stones.

Golden eyes looked up at the sky thoughtfully, as if sensing his gaze, Atsumu glanced down and smiled gently at Suna.

"Good morning, darling."

Atsumu bent down to kiss Suna's forehead, he also wanted to reciprocate, so he slowly sat up, brought his face close to Atsumu and kissed him on the lips.

"Good morning, my sun."


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