Mikasa quotes - Shingeki no Kyojin 進撃の巨人

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My specialty is slicing off meat. If necessary, I can display that talent at any time. So if there's anyone here who'd like to experience it firsthand... please, step right up.

This is a cruel world, and only the winners survive.To herself

Calm down. This is no time to be getting

I'm strong... stronger than all of you... extremely strong! And that's why... I'll be able to drive the enemy out of there... even on my own... But I guess all of you are useless... cowardly... pathetic... It's really too bad. Stay there... and suck your thumbs... while you watch me.

Enough. I can't listen to any more. It's pointless. I'll slice you to shreds all over again... Female Titan.

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