Save Me

Save Me

Tác giả:

6 0

Who can save her? Book # 1 in the

Tɦɛ WɛʀɛwѳʆԲ Iรʆɛ
Too Little Too Late

Too Little Too Late

Tác giả:

6 0

What happens when your mate doesn't want you? What if he is marrying your Alphas daughter for the sake of an alliance? Will he changes his mind, will you get to live happily ever after? Or will it be too little too late?

The Legend of the Beast.

The Legend of the Beast.

Tác giả:

17 2

Farrah has just recently lost her sister to a monster. She doesn't know know why but she's determined to find out.

The Wild One

The Wild One

Tác giả:

119 0

There is a young sixteen year old girl named Athena Anderson. She has long waist-length silky raven black hair, bright ice-blue eyes, pale pink lips and high elegant cheekbones. She has no friends, she is not allowed to have any. Her mother died three years ago and her father morphed into another man completely, he became aggressive and abusive. When Athena turned fifteen her father met Charlotte Dawson, and he married her a few months later. Charlotte doesn't know how her step-daughter is treated by her husband yet.

Tɦɛ Fiɳɑʆ Stʀѳkɛ OԲ Miɗɳigɦt

Tɦɛ Fiɳɑʆ Stʀѳkɛ OԲ Miɗɳigɦt

Tác giả:

148 6

Ares Nightshade is a very rare hybrid which is kind of dangerous for her. she is in search of her hybrid mother that may just lead her right to her mates front door step. When she suddenly finds herself in trouble she begins to regret ever coming after her mother. Kiʆʆiɑɳ iร Aʀɛร'ร ɱɑtɛ ɑɳɗ ɦɛ ɦɑร uɳtiʆ ɱiɗɳigɦt ѳɳ tɦɛ ʆɑรt ɗɑy ѳԲ Mɑʀcɦ tѳ รɑѵɛ ɦɛʀ.

The Vampire's Revenge

The Vampire's Revenge

Tác giả:

43 3

What happens when you're left with an unknown enemy? How would you overcome the challenges that would come? Raelynn lost her mother and father as well as her Alpha and her Luna on one crisp autumn night. She never knew what truly happened on that fateful night but she vowed to never let go of the past. She promised to avenge them in any way she can. As she mourns their loss and steps into her new role as Alpha an unseen enemy closes in. Raelynn is working to gather as many allies as possible to help pave the way for her new path as Alpha. What will become of this new alpha as she forges new alliances and fights this unknown enemy? And will she ever find her soulmate?

The Blade

The Blade

Tác giả:

30 1

Read and find out. You might just get hooked 🖤🖤

Iɳtѳ Tɦɛ Wѳѳɗร

Iɳtѳ Tɦɛ Wѳѳɗร

Tác giả:

46 1

I wɛɳt ѳut iɳtѳ tɦɛ wѳѳɗร wɦɛɳ I รɦѳuʆɗɳ't ɦɑѵɛ I ɑɱ ɳѳt ɑʆʆѳwɛɗ iɳ tɦɛ Բѳʀɛรt ɓɛcɑuรɛ ɓɑɗ cʀɛɑtuʀɛร ʆiѵɛ ɦɛʀɛ ɓut I ɦɑɗ tѳ. My pɑʀɛɳtร ɑʀɛ tѳ ɓʆɑɱɛ ɓɛcɑuรɛ I wɛɳt iɳtѳ tɦɛ wѳѳɗร tѳ รcʀɛɑɱ ɑɳɗ ɑร I ɗiɗ รcʀɛɑɱ ɦɛ cɑɱɛ. Aɳɗ tɦɑt iร ɦѳw I ɱɛɛt tɦɛ wѳʆԲ wɦɛɳ I wɛɳt iɳtѳ tɦɛ wѳѳɗร.

Tɦɛ Fѳʀรɑkɛɳ Lѳรt Dɑʀk Pʀiɳcɛรร

Tɦɛ Fѳʀรɑkɛɳ Lѳรt Dɑʀk Pʀiɳcɛรร

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58 1

⏳"Pʀiɳcɛรร?" Hɛ ɑรkɛɗ iɳ tɦɛ cѳʆɗ ɗʀɛɑʀy ɳigɦt, รɦɛ ɦɑɗ ʀuɳ ɑwɑy Բʀѳɱ ɦɛʀ Բɑtɦɛʀ ʆikɛ uรuɑʆ. "Gѳ ɑwɑy Issac ʆɛɑѵɛ ɱɛ ɑʆѳɳɛ!" Sɦɛ รcʀɛɑɱɛɗ, รѳɓɓiɳg รʆigɦtʆy. Hɛ ɗuckɛɗ ɑร รɦɛ tɦʀɛw ɦɛʀ ɦɛɛʆɛɗ ɓѳѳt ɑt ɦiร ɦɛɑɗ. Hɛ cɑugɦt ɑ gʆiɱɱɛʀ ѳԲ ɦɛʀ รɦiɱɱɛʀy wɦitɛ ɓɑʆʆ gѳwɳ ɑร รɦɛ ʀɑɳ ɗɛɛpɛʀ iɳtѳ tɦɛ uɳԲɑɱiʆiɑʀ Բѳʀɛรtɛɗ ʆɑɳɗร ɓɛɦiɳɗ tɦɛ ɑʆpɦɑร pɑck ɦѳuรɛ . Issac ɓɛgɑɳ cɑʆʆiɳg Բѳʀ ɓɑck up, tɦɛ ɗɛʆtɑ Elijah, ɦɛ ɦɛɑʀɗ ɑ ɱuԲԲʆɛɗ รcʀɛɑɱ ɑɳɗ ɦɛ ʀɑɳ. Tɦɛ wѳʆԲ ɦɑɗ gʀɑɓɓɛɗ tɦɛ pʀiɳcɛรร'ร ɑɳkʆɛ ɓɛtwɛɛɳ itร tɛɛtɦ tɦɛ รɱɑʆʆ tɛɳ yɛɑʀ ѳʆɗ giʀʆ pʀiɳcɛรร รѳɓɓɛɗ ɑɳɗ รɛɛpɛɗ. Tɦɛ wѳʆѵɛ'ร ʝѳwɛʆร tigɦtɛɳɛɗ ɑʀѳuɳɗ ɦɛʀ ɑɳkʆɛ, ɦɛʀ ɓɑʀɛ ɑɳkʆɛ. Hɛ ɗiɗɳ't kɳѳw ɦѳw tѳ ɦɛʆp, tɦɛ wѳʆԲ ɦɑɗ tѳ ʆɛt gѳ ѳʀ ɦɛ'ɗ ʀiรk รɳɑppiɳg ɦɛʀ ɑɳkʆɛ ѳʀ ʆѳรiɳg it ɛɳtiʀɛʆy. IԲ ѳɳʆy tɦɛ Quɛɛɳ wɛʀɛ ɦɛʀɛ ɦɛʀɛ tɦɛ pʀiɳcɛรร Aʀiyɑɳ wѳuʆɗɳ't ɦɑѵɛ ʀuɳ Բʀѳɱ ɦɛʀ Բɑtɦɛʀ, Բʀѳɱ tɦɛ Aʆpɦɑ Kiɳg. *Tɦɛ ɑʆpɦɑ tɦɛy'ɗ cѳɱɛ tѳ ѵiรit ɦɑɗ wɑɳtɛɗ tɦɛ pʀiɳcɛรร tѳ ɱɛɛt ɑɳɗ ɓɛԲʀɛiɳɗ ɦiร รѳɳ ɓut รɦɛ รɑiɗ ɓѳyร ɑʀɛ icky ɑɳɗ ʀɑɳ tѳ ɦɛʀ Բɑtɦɛʀ.*⌛